Wow - so much has happened in the last 3 weeks. It's hard to even process all that I've done.
Right after the end of camp when all my staff left, I was able to go on a mini-vacation with a couple friends. Kara, Sandra and I left on a Tuesday and headed up to Pictured Rocks National Park in the U.P. of Michigan. It was Incredible!

We camped at a site in Bay Furnace - it was wonderful and cozy - and did day trips to multiple waterfalls, beaches, lighthouses, and wooded paths. We ate like queens, and before we left on Thursday, we did a 10 mile loop through one of the most beautiful areas I have ever seen. As we hiked along the shoreline, each time we can to a new bend in the road, we'd all gasp and exclaim, "this is AMAZING!". We couldn't believe that it just kept getting better. The rock formations along Lake Superior are gorgeous and the water was a caribbean colored green/blue. We couldn't decide if it felt more like we were in Mexico or the Pacific Northwest, with the beautiful bluffs and pine trees. Everywhere we looked was more beautiful than the last sight we'd seen. Incredible trip.

For the past few weeks, I've been prepping for Jumpstart retreats and the Mother/Daughter retreat at the beginning of next month. It's been crazy, and I've been working way too many hours. But, the Lord has been providing in all things (as He always does), and all has been working out. September 17-19 was the first of two Jumpstart weekends. It was Sr. Hi, and Josh Petersen spoke, and 38 Acres led us in worship. It turned out to be a really good weekend. Though it totally stressed me out and exhausted me in every way! The LCMs were awesome and helped out wherever they could, but there were no volunteers, so 80% of the weekend was an exhausting one-man-show.
My favorite part of the weekend, was night canoeing on Saturday night. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but it ended up being pretty awesome (i.e. no one dumped). We set up a huge campfire, and made rockin' s'mores with every kind of "filling" you could think of. We made snicker's s'mores, and reese's s'mores, and white chocolate s'mores, and milky way s' was pretty great, and the kids loved it. There was a youth group from New Hope Community in Shorewood, IL, and they were awesome. It was so great to hang out with them - they totally reminded me of my high school youth group.
In short - God was really good, and everything worked out, because He provided in every way. I pray that lives were changed, and I pray that this weekend goes even better! And I know it will, because Jenna's coming up, and I have more LCMs scheduled to help me out. Which will be fabulous. :)

So, after working 70 hours (easily) last week, I'm taking the day off, and enjoying a little down time at the Humboldt Alterra in Milwaukee. (I love this place!) Tomorrow, the prep for Jumpstart week to will begin again, and I'd like to have all of the Mother/Daughter prep work done by Friday too...We'll see what I can accomplish.
Next Tuesday, I leave for Montana to visit my family! So, I need to get as much done as possible!!!
Praise be to the God who cares for all our needs!
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