Friday, September 25, 2009

Time...Is It On My Side?

I've been thinking about time a lot lately...

About how I allow myself to be bound by time, and the cultural norms associated with time. You know: graduate college, get a job, work in a successful career, be living on your own with certain possessions, get married, have kids...this pattern that our American society sets for us.

I don't like it.

And I don't like the pressure that I place on myself to be at a certain place in life at certain times. Especially as I have so many wonderful friends who are older/more successful than myself, or were blessed with finding their soul mates at an early age. I tend to weigh my own success against where they're at in life. And that's not a good thing to do. And really, it's not a sensible thing to do either. We're all different.

I realize that I can't be bound by cultural time.

I need to tune into God Time.

He's been placing this on my heart more and more lately. And I just have to realize, that "I'm not normal". (quiet in the peanut gallery). I've never been overly concerned with getting married, having kids, or my biological tick tock... I want those things eventually, but I really can't place them on a time-line. Fortunately, I'm blessed to have a family that doesn't place pressure on me to be dating, or make rude comments about how I'm not getting any younger.

The truth is - I love living outside the norms. I love the freedom of not being bound to time; and I'm trying to break even more free from time-constraints on my life as a whole. I think God likes to live in the unexpected. He loves to surprise us with good things when we least expect them! And I know that I just need to rest in the promise of Jeremiah 29:11:

'"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."'

Sometimes I have a hard time believing that...but in my heart, I know it's true. God has amazing things in store for me...for you...for us... And who am I to say when those things should happen?

Is time on my side? I don't know. But I know that the Maker of Time is on my side. And that's good enough for me. That's a peace and a promise that I can rest in. Can you?


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